Our FREE apartment locating and moving service is offered to you by ZoomApartmentFinder.com. So, how can this be free? Because the apartment communities pay us to send them a tenant. That's why we can offer you personal service and the best apartment deals in the area, plus free moving...all at no cost to you.
We are the one-stop-shop for all your apartment locating and moving needs--here's what you get free:
FREE Instant Online Apartment Search! Search online instantly over 6000 apartments and townhomes from your phone or your computer. Email results to yourself, see rents, specials, photos, floorplans, amenities and more.
FREE Cash Back! - if your move is estimated to take over two hours, or you choose to move yourself, Zoom Apartment Finder will give you CASH BACK after your move in date! Yes!-You'll receive up to $200 just for moving yourself, as long you have listed Zoom Apartment Finder on your apartment application and lease.
Your FREE MOVE or CASH BACK is paid for by the locating fee provided by the Property Owners and Managers at the new location you choose to call home. In other words, they pay us to bring them a new tenant, so we can move you FREE! Everyone wins by using our Zoom Apartment Finder service. You get a FREE MOVE or CASH BACK while the Property you choose to live in gains a new resident! PLUS, you can still receive any special promotions, incentives, discounts and lease rates offered by the apartment management.
To qualify for your FREE MOVE or FREE MONEY you MUST follow the steps below. You will NOT qualify if you fail to do ALL three:
- You MUST write "Zoom Apartment Finder" as the referring party on your apartment registration.
- You MUST write "Zoom Apartment Finder" as the referring party on your apartment application.
- You MUST write "Zoom Apartment Finder" as the referring party on your lease agreement.